

Multilingualism for a Sustainable Society

Multilingualism for a Sustainable Society
The Official website of our project

Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Meeting in Lund - Goals 9 and 11 focussing on Learner Autonomy

LTT LUND – Meeting in Lund to work for our ERASMUS + Project “Multilingualism for a Sustainable Society”, and specifically on the following 2 Goals:

Goal 9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Goals 11 – Sustainable cities and Communities

Day 1, Pescara ... Lund: 31.03.2019

We met at the Bus Station in Pescara and after the usual last recommendations we left at 11.55 directed to Rom Fiumicino where we arrived punctually. 
We had lunch together in the airport “Leonardo Da Vinci” and we took our flight to Copenhagen where we landed at 19.35. We had a short dinner, ready to catch our train to Lund.In Lund we met Lina and we had a walk with her till our hotel. Our students were very happy to find their families waiting for them at the station and collecting them. A tiring and very intense day for all of us.

Day 2, 01.04.2019

After our breakfast in the hotel we met the Italian students and the whole Erasmus + Community in Spyken. We had a short break together, ready to take part in the regular language lessons. Every language teacher was together with the language student who presented their works on the goal, having an active part in the regular language lessons. It was very interesting! We had fun and learnt better our colleagues and students, even because of the very engaging ice-breaking activities the Swedish teacher team prepared for all of us. After this first part, we were officially welcome by the headmaster and the Spyken community with a final lunch together. In the afternoon we discussed our previous lessons and our future in small groups. After this intense afternoon we had lunch together at Restaurant Ishiri, where we spent a very pleasant evening.

Day 3, 02.04.2019

This was Celine’s day: both students and teachers were invited to attend Celine’s lecture and to reflect upon the open questions on “Autonomy in the Language Classroom”. After this very engaging part we took part in regular language lessons till the excursion. We all went to the very point fo Sweden, to the ancient village of Ystad where we admired the Ale stones and the wild nature around us. There we also had lunch in a typical small inn.
We documented these moments on the windy green cliffs of the region Scåne with a lot of pics. 
We talked and took a nap on the way back to Lund. After a short stop in the hotel we met for an Italian dinner at La Cucina. Pizza was really very good and conversation – as usual – even better!

Day 4, 03.04.2019

While students were busy filming around in the city of Lund, and focussing on the topic of city planning, teachers started planning their lessons on the goals 9 and 11 of the Agenda 2030. Every language group was very concentrated on finding ideas and materials. After this first productive part and a lunch break we had a very interesting seminar at the Center for Languages and Literature at Lund University. Actually we met there with university teachers and drank a coffee discussing on “How is the project progressing?”. Later on we were engaged in the seminar on “translanguaging and multilingual classroom” given by Marie Källkvist. After a stimulating discussion we went back to Spyken school. 

In the evening we met again at school to have dinner together, prepared by the Swedish students and
to experience a very rich and moving evening with live music, offered by a group of Swedish students who performed in a professional way: everybody was very happy to listen to and sing with them. With great expectation we watched the outcomes of the selfie tour and the films made by the students. They originally interpreted the set goals of sustainability making impressive videos and working hard as a team. The Swedish Team celebrated, in the end, the delivery of the certifications, given officially to every single national team. A very intense an joyful day!


Day 5, 04.04.2019

This was the day of the language lessons. Coordinators had before testing the lessons a meeting to better organize the coming staff meeting in Germany, scheduled for September 2019.
We tested the planned lessons after a last revision in the morning. 
Every language group offered the developed lesson to a mixed class of both Swedish students and international guests. Soon after the lesson all students were asked to evaluate them and to discuss what they liked and what they didn’t like. Students were very active, especially during this day, as they discussed, from their point of view, Autonomy in the Language Classroom, and teachers listened to them. They also tried to establish a systematic connection on E-Twinning platform, in the chat space dedicated to them. 
The afternoon was free from school activities, and we spent it strolling around and buying some souvenirs for our friends or parents. Then we prepared ourselves for the evening, which was very unique. We took the bus and reached our Swedish colleague Johanna, who prepared for us a Swedish/Spanish meal. We had a lot of fun all together at Johanna s talking about this week together and the memorable moments of the project. Thank you Johanna, we laughed a lot and had great dinner because it was a relaxing evening with a very nice Swedish family with the whole Multilingualist Group!

Day 6, 05.04.2019

On our last day in Lund we went to a very interesting museum, a very singular open-air one which collects all Swedish traditions with buildings reconstructed as they were originally. Visitors really enter into the Swedish Kulturen, the name of the museum, and life in the Swedish past. 
After this exciting visit it was time for us to leave: we said good bye to all national teams and to the Swedish, of course. Our students took leave from their Swedish hosts and from the whole group of German and Portuguese students.  A sad moment, as usual!
We had to catch the train to the airport, where we arrived on time for our flight to Rome. Before leaving we had a lunch break and we exchanged pics and memories. We arrived in Rome and, after another stop, we took the bus to Pescara, where we arrived in the late evening, full of our enriching and inspiring multilingualist experience…

Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Teachers' Evaluation Questionnaire after the LTT meeting in Lund Sweden

Please, look at  the flipbook if you want to know the results of the questionnaire answered by teachers after the meeting in Lund, 1-5 April 2019, Sweden, for Multilingualism for a Sustainable Society Erasmus+ project


If you want, look at this video: 


Monday, 15 April 2019

Students' Evaluation Questionnaire after the LTT meeting in Lund Sweden

Please, look at the flipbook if you want to know the results of the questionnaire answered by students after the meeting in Lund, 1-5 April 2019, Sweden, for Multilingualism for a Sustainable Society Erasmus+ project

You can also look at this video: 

Sunday, 14 April 2019

Multilingualism for a Sustainable Society: Meeting in Lund Italian students' report

Catharina Impicciatore

Je me présente, je m’appelle Catharina Impicciatore et j’ai 16 ans. J’ai été en Suède du 31 Mars au 5 Avril avec deux camarades et trois professeurs pour le projet de mobilité Erasmus plus. Nous sommes parties de Rome et après un long voyage nous sommes arrivées à Lund en train en atterrissant à Copenhague.
Mon expérience en Suède a été très intéressante. Je suis arrivée le dimanche et j’ai été bien reçue par ma camarade Suédoise. Le premier jour on a montré la vidéo qu’on a préparée de l’Italie sur les objectifs 9-11 de l’Agenda 2030 des Nations Unies et on a regardé les présentations des autres pays.
On a fait beaucoup d’expériences, par exemple on a vu comment se déroulent les cours au lycée en Suède. Nous avons tous discuté à propos des objectif 9 et 11 et les professeurs ont organisé des leçons très intéressantes en français.
Nous avons aussi fait de belles excursions! On a visité des lieux magnifiques, par exemple on a visité Ystad, une petite ville portuaire à l’extrémité sud de la Suéde. De nos jours Ystad n’est plus qu’une petite ville, mais c’est une attraction touristique de premier ordre. En fait,j’ai beaucoup aimé le site de Mégalithes d’Ales Stenar au bord de la mer Baltique qui représente la Stonehenge de la Suède. On a pris beaucoup de photos pour souvenir !
Un soir  on a même fait la fête au lycée, on a mangé tous ensemble ce que les élèves suédois ont préparé eux-mêmes et après on a assisté à un concert de musique des élèves. J’ai trouvé cette soirée très amusante et accueillante. 
Ma camarade Suédoise et sa famille ont été très accueillantes, elles aussi. Les autres élèves ont été gentils et sympas. Le dernier jour a été triste, nous ne voulions plus rentrer en Italie! 
J'ai passé une bonne semaine et donc je suis très satisfaite de cette expérience.

Gabriella Di Pietro

El 31 de marzo comenzó una nueva aventura: ¡me fui a Suecia!
Fue hermoso volver a encontrar a mi hermana del alma y conocer a su mamá. Recién llegada a su casa tuve que quitarme los zapatos, en Suecia es una costumbre para no ensuciar el piso, y conocí a su hermosa gata. Es una gata muy especial porque entiende dos idiomas: el sueco y el francés y en decir la verdad, ¡conmigo aprendió también el español! 
Me divertí muchísimo con esa rubia loca e hicimos muchas cosas juntas: nos fuimos a jugar a los bolos, visitamos la ciudad de Lund, hicimos un selfie tour, realizamos un video sobre la ciudad de nuestros sueños y tomamos "fica", una típica merienda sueca en la que se toma café y se come un dulce hecho con canela. Además me llevó a comprar ropa y se compró una falda verdaderamente horrorosa pero ¿qué le puedo hacer? ¡Le gustaba mucho!
El jueves nos fuimos a cenar a casa de su tío y conocí a su prima que nos enseño su cuarto. ¡Estaba precioso y la comida riquísima! También aprendí cómo se dicen "buenos días", "buenas noches", "hola" y "adiós" en sueco y Mathi me dijo que tengo una pronunciación muy buena.
Fue una semana inolvidable y echo mucho de menos a mi hermana del alma.


Michela Morelli

Ich heiße Michela und ich  bin 17 Jahre alt. Ich habe an dem Erasmus-Project teilgenommen und ich war Teil der Erasmus Studenten, die durch Europa reisen konnten. Ich war vom 31.März bis zum 5.April mit zwei Schulkameraden und drei Lehrerinnen in Schweden. Ich bin vom Fiumicino abgefahren und ich bin in Copenhagen angekommen. Dann haben wir dem Zug genommen und wir sind über eine lange Brücke, die Dänemark zu Schweden verbindet, gefahren. Danach haben wir unsere Gastfamilien kennengelernt und wir sind nach Hause gefahren. Am ersten Tag sind wir zur Schule gefahren ,wir haben unsere Arbeiten vorgestellt und wir haben alle Erasmus Schüler kennengelernt.Das hat mir besonders gut gefallen. Am nächsten Tag sind wir in Ystad in Ale's Stones gewesen und wir haben einen Ausflug gemacht.Wir haben das Meer gesehen und wir haben alle zusammen gepicknickt. Am Donnerstag habe ich mit anderen Erasmus Schüler zusammen gegessen und ich habe viel geweint weil ich wußte dass ich sie nie wieder man neue Personen kennengelernt hat. Und auch wenn sie kurz ist ,bleibt sie in unseren Leben . Ohne das Erasmus- Projekt wäre ich nie nach Schweden gefahren .Es hat mir die Möglichkeit gegeben ein neues Land zu besuchen und neue Freunde zu haben. Ich habe wunderschöne Leute kennengelernt und sie werden immer in meinen Herz bleiben.

Friday, 5 April 2019

Multilingualism for a Sustainable Society: Meeting in Lund Friday 5th of April 2019

Friday 5/4
08:15 Meet in school restaurant

09.00-10.00 Guided visit at the museum Kulturen in central Lund.

Visitors and Erasmus teachers.

Italian visitors must bring luggage to museum. Others leave luggage in a locked room at school (C25) before going to Kulturen.

Swedish students have regular lessons all day.

Spyken teachers return to regular lessons after museum Kulturen.

11:00 Departure from Lund C Italian team (14:10 from Cph)
Lunch Portuguese and German teams eat at school 12.00
German and Portuguese teams to take the same train to CPH

13:00 Departure from Lund C Portuguese team (16:15 from Cph)

16:00 Departure from Lund C German team (19:30 from Cph)



Thursday, 4 April 2019

Multilingualism for a Sustainable Society: Meeting in Lund Thursday 4th of April 2019

08:30 G22 + group rooms - Lesson planning for teachers.

Hosts take their guests to regular lessons until lunch
11:00-12:00 G22

Teachers’ meeting to plan the transnational meeting in Germany + the next LTT + report input
Lunch at school 12.00

Languages level 4 (B1) - Fr (B42 and C33), Ge (G22), Sp (F22)

Test our lessons.

Evaluate them, students and teachers.

14:40-15:00 G22

All Erasmus students discuss Autonomy: have you identified learner autonomy at any lessons? Have you got other examples? Notes from talks taken by Swedish students in shared Google doc. 
Teachers are listeners.
15:00 Free time for all Erasmus teachers and students.

Dinner for teachers at the home of one of the Swedish teachers.
The cost will be shared between the partner schools. 
Specification provided.

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Multilingualism for a Sustainable Society: Meeting in Lund Wednesday 3rd of April 2019

 Wednesday 3/4
08:30-09:30 G22 Coordinators’ meeting 

Meetings for website, evaluations etc.

Hosts take their guests to regular lessons in the morning and until lunch
09:45-14:30 G22 + group rooms
- Lesson planning for teachers
Lesson planning for teachers
Lunch at school 11.30
G22 + group rooms:
Lesson planning for teachers

All Erasmus students work with films on city planning. 
UN goals  “Cities and communities goal 11  + industry, innovation and infrastructure goal 9”.
Teachers walk to the Center for Languages and Literature, Lund University

coffee break with uni teachers before the seminar: “How is the project progressing?”
Didactics seminar at SOL 

Marie Källkvist: "The multilingual classroom and translanguaging"

Dinner for all teachers and students at school. 
Presentation of selfie tours and films on city planning.



Etwinning labels for the Portuguese school

  The Portuguese school  has been awarded  with these two labels: Congratulations to the  Agrupamento de Escolas Latino Coelho   in  Lamego,...